We promote the importance preventive maintenance forward planning helping home & planet one global message & objective .creating awareness , promoting green education, with effective communication are three basic fundamentals to which we pursue. Preventive maintenance forward planning is equally important for our homes via our household information pack to which we layout a pre plan to cope as effectively as possible with utility emergencies .
The clock is ticking on climate change this is a global problem to which needs a global solution , the only way to stop or reduce global warming is to reduce the activities that are causing the problem fail to prepare ,prepare to fail , we can do this personally ,by household ,by town , by company, by country, working together globally is key , please support our message by adopting green activities ,sharing ,educating ,creating awareness in our daily lives , if we can get the 2 .5 billion households in the world on board all with the same green message & objective making small changes personally will make a big difference globally.
The very best investment is in our planet without which nothing will be possible, the best bank is the sun it delivers for free to which we can store & re-use its amazing product, catching storing & reusing the water that falls free from above these two most precious resources are brilliant examples of preventive maintenance forward planning helping home & planet.
In addition to our campaign we have carefully prepared & designed a household information pack using our 45 years of experience in the plumbing/heating business that supplies a preventive maintenance plan that supplies basic yet essential information on the main utilities that serve a property .
Preventive maintenance is key to bespoke home & business property management being prepared to cope effectively as possible in water emergencies is what we provide via our household information pack ,we provide a easy to follow step by step preventive maintenance plan for any type of individual property ensuring initial & period maintenance check / reminders of both external & internal stop taps ,we supply a household information card once completed will provide basic yet essential utility information , a green living brochure provides ideas & suggestions on green activities that will make a difference in reducing global warming.
-When we get our boiler serviced that is preventive maintenance forward planning.
-When we fix up a smoke alarm that is preventive maintenance forward planning.
-When we replace a outside light with a solar fitment ,that is preventive maintenance forward planning.
-Electric/gas/fire/ preventive maintenance is a standard practice.
-Stop tap preventive maintenance forward planning is NOT a standard practice
-We supply a preventive maintenance plan for stop taps & main utilities via our household information pack.
The water supply that serves a property has two isolating points one outside one inside both are of equal importance if they are not maintained or ignored ,it is the same situation as fitting a smoke alarm without any batteries when it comes to an emergency the smoke alarm becomes totally ineffective none maintained stop taps are no different !!!!!
Providing essential cost effective
utility information when:
1] Moving into a property.
2] Renting a property.
3] living in a property.
4] Selling a property.
5] Buying a property.
6] Maintaining a property.
7] Managing a property.
8] Refurbishing a property.
9] Insuring a property.
10] In a utility emergency.
Comprising of invoice with completion guide, one A4 hardbacked do not bend envelope used to deliver household information pack, one green living brochure providing energy tips for in and around the home, one 400gms A4 double sided coloured household information card, one A4100gms demonstration household information paper copy example, one A4 100gms double sided household information paper copy to be completed by tradesperson ,once completed gives the customer the option of transferring the information via home computer/printer or personally or via professional printing service onto the 400gms card ,once all information is recorded and stored will provide essential information in a utility emergency and prove to be invaluable when selling or renting a property as well as ensuring correct maintenance of stop taps has taken place adding extra value and security to your property.
The total cost of a household information pack is £6.50 including postage
All orders of the household information pack is done through email this is to ensure a more personal customer contact
simply email
enquiries@uiservice.co.uk and state "order information pack " leaving your name & address we confirm pre register property then despatch the household information pack once payments have been cleared within 24hrs during normal business hours .